On August 28th Reds10 sponsored 8 young Cadets, from the Dorset Army Cadet Force, on a skydiving adventure at Airfield Camp, Neveravon.
Before their skydive, the Cadets went through training covering the essentials information they would need including jumping skills, how to work their parachute and a simulated exit.
Whilst the Cadets suited up and boarded the plane, their anxieties peaked, but they faced their fears head on and all successfully completed the skydive.
As they descended to the ground they were greeted by proud parents, members of the Dorset Army Cadet Force and their instructor, waiting to cheer them on for their accomplishments.
The experience was not only about the excitement of the jump, but also was a chance for the Cadets to increase their resilience, personal boundaries and realisation that they could achieve things they never thought possible.
Well done to the Cadets on your impressive skydive, and to all those involved.